Wednesday 23 September 2009

Representation of Jennifer Lopez Cover - 1

InStyle magazine is a women’s fashions magazine distributed both in the United States and the UK. As well as fashion the magazine offers articles about beauty, home, entertainment and celebrity lifestyles.

Costume: On this cover Jennifer is modeling a highly fashionable black and white dress. The colours are bold and the black highly contrasts with the cover’s white background which helps her stand out against it and therefore emphasizes her importance. Also by her modeling such a high end dress style she is communicating to the audience of the magazine she is a very fashionable person.

Facial expression: On this cover she is giving a warm smile which portrays her as a friendly celebrity, this look also makes her look attractive. The smile coupled with her staring out directly at the viewer establishing a positive mode of address which helps create a friendly relationship that invites them to read the magazine.

Body Language: Here we see here posing with her hand on her hip. Normally this sort of pose would convey dominance and authority but because she is slightly turned to the side and slightly pushing her hip out it softens the pose. As opposed to conveying a full on dominating nature we feel as that Jennifer Lopez is a strong and mature woman yet friendly and flirtatious.

Framing and camera shot: Here a mid shot has been used. Use of this shot type helps bring the reader closer to the subject of the image witch in this case isJennifer Lopez. So in effect here the shot type helps strengthen the mode of address established by her looking directly at the viewer.

Setting colour and lighting: The setting seems to be a plain white backdrop, this mimics a photo shoot setting, and they are often used to maintain the focus on the model. Also because white is a very reflective colour the backdrop provides vivid and dynamic lighting as seen in the image for this cover.

1 comment:

  1. Very detailed with good understanding of the technical codes covered. Try to think more carefully about the meaning created e.g. what are the connotations of the white background?

    Current Grade: B+
