Thursday 24 September 2009

Representation of Jennifer Lopez Cover - 3

Cosmopolitan is an internationally distributed magazine for women. The magazine includes articles based on includes articles on relationships and sex, health, careers, self-improvement also celebrities fashion and beauty.

Costume: on this cover she is outfitted with a summery dress with almost floral looking patterns on it. Whilst it is not a revealing as the outfit worn on the cover of FHM it does reveal key areas which build sex appeal, example being that she has quite a large amount of cleavage exposed. Her dress is very stylish and has many vivid colours such as red yellow and white, witch really catches attention of people interested in fashion.

Facial expression: she sports a more natural look here, this links to the dress pattern which does seem to be nature based and decorated with floral patterns. Her facial expression also makes it easier to see the full effects of the make up she has used which viewers might be interested in.

Body language: She seems to be more relaxed in this image, her hands are placed lower onto her thighs and her shoulders are slouched to one side. This sort of body language also links in with the theme of summer because it is a time often associated with vacationing and relaxing.

Framing and camera shot: Although this image is being used to appeal a sexy side of Jennifer Lopez like with the FHM magazine she is not the only main focus on the cover, use of a mid-shot allows the readers to see in finer details the patterning on her dress and also allows then to see how her make up has been applied.

Setting colour and lighting: All that seems to be used here for a setting is a red backdrop. The fact it is red bares many significances, for one red is a colour that symbolizes love and passion and so would be associated with such things as relationships. Red is also a colour that represents heat, which ties in with a summer theme being portrayed on the front cover. The red backdrop also matches the dress and the colour scheme of warm colours used on the cover.

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